The word breast has two possible meanings. Sometimes it refers to the mammary gland (for which there are many idiomatic synonyms) or teat; it can also refer to the upper part of the torso, also known as the thorax.
The word boobs is another word for breasts. It can also be a name for someone who is acting stupid.
breasts = Ū
Because they have different meanings. They can be a word that means Breasts or a word that means Dummy.
The Latin for "breasts" is mammae, from which we get the English mammal and mammary.
"four-letter word" is another phrase meaning "curse word, so the phrase might mean that boobies is not a scientific word for breasts, but it's not considered vulgar, either.
Mammary Glands
The word "breasts" appears in 27 verses of the KJV bible. Of that, the word appears eight times in Song of Solomon.
Breasts do not HAVE to hurt to ovulate. However, it is often the case that they do. It depends on the person. Some times a womans breasts hurt, while another womans dont.