the rook, which is another name for a castle in chess
Bastiaan Rook's birth name is Bastiaan Floris Rook.
Chad Rook's birth name is Chad E. Rook.
a castle
The piece that looks like a "castle" is called a "rook".
If a king is placed in check by a rook and the rook is unprotected, they yes, the king can capture it. Another way to view the situation is that if a rook is used to put a king in check and the king will not end up in check by capturing that rook, then the king may take the rook.
It's called a castle. hope this helps!
The "rook". A rook is the name of a Eurasian bird of the crow family. A rook is also the chess piece that resembles a tower of a castle.
Sabastian Rook.
Gawtti's birth name is Vincent Rook Devoux.