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A hustler.

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Q: What is another name for a pool shark?
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What is another name for a dogfish?

Another name for a dogfish is a shark.

What is another name for whale shark?

Nurse shark

Name something people worry about at the ocean that they wouldn't worry about at the pool?


When was The Pool Shark - song - created?

The Pool Shark - song - was created on 1970-02-21.

What is another name for a pool hustler?

Pool hustler are sometimes called, "Pool Sharks".

What is another name for a shark scientist?

Marine biologist

What is another name for the frilled shark?

Chlamydoselachus anguineus.

What is another name for the rostrum on a dogfish shark?


What are the release dates for Shark Pool - 2011?

Shark Pool - 2011 was released on: USA: 26 October 2011

What is another name for game shark?

all a game shark dose is let you put cheats into your game

What is centrophorus artomarginatus?

Centrophorus artomarginatus is a deep-sea shark that is caught for extraction of squalene, an extract of shark liver oil. Another name for this shark is Aizame shark.

What actors and actresses appeared in Pool Shark Precepts - 2011?

The cast of Pool Shark Precepts - 2011 includes: Jessica Enright as Bartender Spencer Kane as Pool Shark Joe Tsirlin as First Opponent Anthony Vanzetti as Henchman