In a heart beat
Yes. If you make it to the other side of the board (last square) with a pawn, you can then trade it for a queen or any other piece that is captured. You can have as many queens as you want just flip a castle upside down or put a pawn on top of some other piece.
Queen, Rook, Bishop, Knight, Pawn, King
Pawn, Bishop, Rook, Knight, King and Queen.
Pawn, Knight, Bishop, Rook, Queen, and the King.
For example if you want to drop a pawn to check the king but not to mate him (you cannot mate with pawn drops).
No. There is no empress, just King, Queen, Rook, Bishop, Knight, Pawn.
The pawn may be promoted to any chess piece except the King .
The King, The Queen, Bishop, Pawn, Knight, and Rooks. =)
Pawn, King, Queen, castle(rook), Bishop, Knight (horse),
Your pawn can promote to a Knight, Bishop, Rook or Queen. You CANNOT promote into a new King, however.
If you meant the names of the chessmen - there's the king , queen , rook , bishop , knight and pawn .