The shape of a Frisbee is a disc, with an airfoil cross-section. As with aeroplanes, this airfoil shape generates lift as it moves through the air.
yes it is smooth and small and round. it is aerodynamic
steel frisbee
The aerodynamic design of a Frisbee, specifically the shape of its curved surface, creates lift as it moves through the air. When the Frisbee is thrown with enough spin, the air moving over the curved surface generates an upward force that helps keep it aloft. Additionally, the angle at which the Frisbee is thrown also affects the lift it receives.
The frisbee needs to generate lift on the exterior edge of the surface (like an aircarft wing). A sheet of paper is not a frisbee, but a sheet of paper with the shape of a wing all the way around it would be.
You develop hand-eye cordination and you get in shape
cylindrical.a 2D shape that's roundIn the shape of a circle - round
You shape skies round because the earth is round so the sky is round too.
its the shape of a circle!!
The shape that has no vertices and is round is a circle. The circle is the only shape that does not have vertices.
Yes because a sphere is round in shape
it has a round shape
"Frisbee" is Frisbee in French because Frisbee is a trademark name.