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There are several situations: Automatic, Agreed upon, Claimed and upheld, Stalemate 1. Automatic Draw: a) If the pieces left are king against king; king against king with only a bishop or knight; or king and bishop against king and bishop, with both bishops on the same colored diagonal b) When a player has only a bare king and the other player oversteps his time, a draw is declared. 2. Agreed upon: The players can agree to a draw for any reasons they choose. 3. Claimed and upheld: a) A player may claim a draw if the position of the pieces is the same for 3 moves. b) A player having the move can claim a draw if it is shown that the last 50 moves have been made by each side without capture of any piece or movement of a pawn. An arbiter reviews the claim and if correct, a draw will be declared. 4. Stalemate When the king of the player having the move is not in check but cannot move his king without placing it in check. Strictly speaking a stalemate is not part of the draw rules but it has the same effect, neither a win nor loss for either side.And it is a draw to be called when the king left only and it can't checkmated by the other player for about 16 moves.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

In tournament Chess, there is what is called the fifty-move rule: if there have not been any captures or pawn promotions for fifty moves, the game is called a draw. There are exceptions in specific game conditions where the rule is extended; however, these are very specific, and one would need a book of tournament rules in order to know them. To get the rules, contact either the United States Chess Federation or the International Chess Federation (FIDE).

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βˆ™ 8y ago

Absolutely. If you're at a heavy advantage, then you can play towards a draw. If your opponent is not careful, you can get your king into a position where it is not in check, but is unable to make a legal move - a stalemate, a draw.

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βˆ™ 11y ago

A draw in chess is called a "Stalemate" .

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βˆ™ 14y ago


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