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A decoy is 'bait', you leave a piece purposefully undefended, to get the opponent to perform a specific action. That action opens his own defences up for an attack.

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Plural spelling for the word decoy?

The plural of decoy is decoys.

Can Someone give you a sentence with decoy in it?

Decoy the enemy so that the women and children can escape. The decoy was painted to resemble a swan.

When was Decoy - album - created?

Decoy - album - was created in 1984-06.

Can you use the word decoy in a sentence?

A carved, painted duck may be used as a decoy by hunters to lure real ducks for the hunters to shoot. Some evangelists may use as a decoy, a religious pamphlet that looks like paper money on one side, but has a religious message on the other side.

Can you recruit a decoy?

No. A decoy is created by a Pokemon to save it from harm, it is not a Pokemon itself.

When was The Decoy Bride created?

The Decoy Bride was created on 2011-05-14.

When was A Coy Decoy created?

A Coy Decoy was created on 1941-06-07.

How do use decoy in sentence?

I need help finding a sentence with decoy in it helppp

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Hi, What is the species of the decoy? Mike

Is the decoy Verizon or ATT?

The LG Decoy was a Verizon Wireless phone that is no longer produced or marketed.

Decoy in a sentence?

fake made up person or thing oftrn used as a direction decoy

What other woman in he bible was used as a decoy besides Abraham's wife Sarah?

Leah (as a decoy for Rachel)