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Q: What is a Sport of gliding with a parachute and starting with a p?
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A sport starting with p?


Is there a sport starting with p not including polo?


Is there a sport starting with p?

Polo, Pole vaulting, and others.

Unscramble h c p r a a t e u?

Parachute Parachute

What is H c p r a a t e u when it is unscrambled?

The letters 'hcpraateu' unscrambled spell the word parachute.

H C P R A A T E U scramble?


What is an aerial decent device beginning with p?

Parachute is an aerial decent device beginning with p. The parachute fills with air and allows a slow descent from an aircraft.

What is a nine letter word that starts with P?

Parachute or Pantomime

What modes of transportation begin with the letter P?

· parachute · powerboat

What does this spell H c p r a a t e you?


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What is corde broadus' favorite sport?

his favourite sport is football and his second favourite is basketball!:P his favourite sport is football and his second favourite is basketball!:P