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Nothing happens when the king advances to the final rank. The only piece that gets any special privilege on reaching the back row is the pawn.

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Q: What happens when a king reaches the back rank?
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Related questions

What happens when the king gets to the end of the chess board?

Nothing happens, when the king reaches the other end of the board he reaches the other end of the board, that's it.

What happens in chess when the rook reaches the eigth level?

Nothing special happens, the rook is just on the last rank(it is the first rank if you are playing as black). Pawns are the only piece that can promote.

Can a rook be changed for a queen in one move?

No, A pawn can be changed for a queen in 6 moves when it reaches the back rank. The King and Rook can swap places in 1 move called Castling, however the path between them needs to be clear.

What was the rank of a king in medieval times?

There was no "rank". He was king and that was it.

What is the definition of the rank of king?

The rank of king is the ruling position in a monarchy. The king is the most powerful person in the kingdom and the rank is typically given to blood relatives in the royal family.

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the king

During a pawn promotion do you request the piece immediately or wait for your turn to come round again?

Promotion happens immediately as soon as the pawn reaches rank eight, before the opponent's turn.

Who is known as the king of chess?

The 'king' is the tallest and the 'most valuable' piece in chess--when the king is trapped, the game is over. Both sides have one king each, and it is the only back-rank piece that a pawn cannot be promoted.

Does the king have to be on the back line to be checkmated?

No, the king can be anywhere on the board to be checkmated as long as it is put in check and has no legal move to get out of check. The king on the back line is subject to a very well known checkmate called the back rank mate. This commonly occurs after a king has castled and is behind the three protecting pawns and the other player moves a rook or queen to that back rank. The three pawns become a death trap for the king even though they are there to protect the king from a frontal assault. You should be aware of this tactic so you can both use it to win and defend against it so you don't lose.

What is the rank of a US marshal?

They rank right above the cook for Burger king.

What comes after king as highest rank you can have?


Who is a person a high rank?

King Deedes!!