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if the cue does not hit anyhting or hits the black/ball of enemies designation it is considered a faul. based on rules diffrent things happen like 3 fauls you loose but generally a faul enables the opponent or next in order 2 turns in a row (considering they do not score a faul)

ADD: It is an antiquated game played mainly in Europe and Australia that allows the incoming player 2 shots. World Standard is that a foul results in a ball in hand to the incoming player. The 3 foul loss rule is only used in 9 ball.

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Q: What happens in pool if the cue ball does not touch anything?
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Are you allowed to touch the bottom of the pool in a water polo match?

No, no player can touch the bottom or sides of the pool during play - the water polo pool is a minimum of 1.8 meters deep Technically no, as an official water polo pool is a minimum of 1.8 meters deep. However, in some situations, such as in high school polo, this is not met. According to FINA rule 20.5, it is a foul "To take any active part in the game when standing on the floor of the pool, to walk when play is in progress or to jump from the floor of the pool to play the ball or tackle an opponent. This Rule shall not apply to the goalkeeper while within the goalkeeper's 5 metre area." Therefore, it is legal for a goalie to touch the bottom of the pool.

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This depends on the specific rules of the game you play. Under BCA and APA Rules the other player gets ball-in-hand.

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The blue ball in the game of pool is the #2.

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The lowest numbered ball in pool is the 1 ball. Pool does not assign points to the balls, so they are all of equal value.

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The fifth ball in a pool ball triangle will dpend upon the game being played. In Straight Pool, it can be any of 13 different balls. Only the 1 and the 5 cannot be located there. In 8 Ball, the 5th ball must be the 8 ball.

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The water becomes aggressive and attacks anything with which it comes in contact. Not a good environment for the pool finish or the equipment.

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There are many pool games that can be played on a pool table. Some pool table games include eight-ball, nine-ball, three-ball, one-pocket, and bank pool.

Which pool ball is black?

The 8 ball.

What is a illegal break in 9 ball pool?

there is not anyway to illegally break in 9 ball pool!!

What happens if you lose a game of pool Without sinking a single ball?

The number of palls pocketed, or not, has no effect on the outcome at the end of the game.

Where did the saying behind the 8 ball come from?

The expression comes from the pool-table. In some forms of pool, sinking or even touching the eight-ball is tabu except in end play. To be "behind the eight ball" is to be unable to play without disturbing the eight-ball, and thus the expression means "unable to do anything without getting in trouble."

Are you allowed to hold onto the side of the pool in water polo?

no, nor touch the bottom of the pool or the water polo goals, this will lead to a foul. when you swim for the ball at the start, you must be out 2 meters, not touching the sides.