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When a king is in check the player controlling that king will have to get his king out of check. When you discover that this is impossible, you will come to the realization that this is in fact checkmate, game over. It's that simple. Calling check is a polite thing to do. It is not a requirement and if you did not notice that you opponent's king is in check and he eventually moves out of check, then you missed the opportunity.

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15y ago
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12y ago

Checkmate means that the player to move's king is attacked and he cannot make any move to save his king. At this point, the game of Chess has ended. Whoever played the last move declares checkmate and will be noted as the winner. If he was white, the score is 1-0. If he was black, the score is 0-1.

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12y ago

In chess, there are no rules mandating or prohibiting you from saying "check" or "checkmate" or anything. You do not have to say check or checkmate when making such moves, although it is courtesy. Some people also announce when they promote a pawn, do en passant, or castle.

If you say check or checkmate, and you are wrong, then you and the opponent will just laugh it off. If you are continually doing it, your opponent may alert the arbiter to say you're distracting him, but there is no formal rule against this.

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12y ago

Nothing happens. You still win. It is checkmate because their king is in check and they are out of moves to protect the king or move it out of check. Actually saying it is virtually the equivalent of saying "I win"

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14y ago

You must move your King out of the way of attack or move a piece in the way

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