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You would keep on playing until one side checkmates, one side resigns, there is an insufficient amount of material to checkmate, one side is stalemated, fifty moves pass without a pawn move or capture, or the same position occurs 3 times. Note that checkmating or a resignation by the opponent are the only ways to win, anything else is a draw. Additional rules can apply in an official tournament but these are the basics.

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Q: What happens if three pieces are left in chess?
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Can you play chess with your left hand?

Technically chess is a mental game played out on a board with ornamental pieces. You could play with no hands as long as someone else moves the pieces per your instructions.

What happens if you're left with just a queen in chess?

You lost when you lost your King. There is no purpose to playing after that.

What do the chess pieces mean?

Front = Pawns Back Left to Right: "Castle One" "Horsy" "Tall Pointy One" I forget the rest.....

In chess what happens when you have one piece left and you moved fifteen times?

If this happens to both players, than it is a stalemate (although it is usually 50 moves, the amount can vary)

What has Caesar left the citizens of rome in his will?

In his will Caesar left the citizens of Rome his gardens on the banks of the Tiber for use as a recreational area and three gold pieces to each man.In his will Caesar left the citizens of Rome his gardens on the banks of the Tiber for use as a recreational area and three gold pieces to each man.In his will Caesar left the citizens of Rome his gardens on the banks of the Tiber for use as a recreational area and three gold pieces to each man.In his will Caesar left the citizens of Rome his gardens on the banks of the Tiber for use as a recreational area and three gold pieces to each man.In his will Caesar left the citizens of Rome his gardens on the banks of the Tiber for use as a recreational area and three gold pieces to each man.In his will Caesar left the citizens of Rome his gardens on the banks of the Tiber for use as a recreational area and three gold pieces to each man.In his will Caesar left the citizens of Rome his gardens on the banks of the Tiber for use as a recreational area and three gold pieces to each man.In his will Caesar left the citizens of Rome his gardens on the banks of the Tiber for use as a recreational area and three gold pieces to each man.In his will Caesar left the citizens of Rome his gardens on the banks of the Tiber for use as a recreational area and three gold pieces to each man.

Who two pieces stand beside a king at the start of a chess game?

A queen and a bishop. For white, the queen is on the king's left and the bishop is on his right. For black, the queen is on the king's right and the bishop is on his left.

What was the money called that Julius Caesar gave to his people when he died?

The bequest itself was a "congiarium" of gift to the people. The denomination was the aureus or gold piece. Caesar left three gold pieces to each citizen.The bequest itself was a "congiarium" of gift to the people. The denomination was the aureus or gold piece. Caesar left three gold pieces to each citizen.The bequest itself was a "congiarium" of gift to the people. The denomination was the aureus or gold piece. Caesar left three gold pieces to each citizen.The bequest itself was a "congiarium" of gift to the people. The denomination was the aureus or gold piece. Caesar left three gold pieces to each citizen.The bequest itself was a "congiarium" of gift to the people. The denomination was the aureus or gold piece. Caesar left three gold pieces to each citizen.The bequest itself was a "congiarium" of gift to the people. The denomination was the aureus or gold piece. Caesar left three gold pieces to each citizen.The bequest itself was a "congiarium" of gift to the people. The denomination was the aureus or gold piece. Caesar left three gold pieces to each citizen.The bequest itself was a "congiarium" of gift to the people. The denomination was the aureus or gold piece. Caesar left three gold pieces to each citizen.The bequest itself was a "congiarium" of gift to the people. The denomination was the aureus or gold piece. Caesar left three gold pieces to each citizen.

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three periods ...

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Which side always moves first?

In an official game of chess, the pieces are coloured black and white. White moves first, and his pieces occupy ranks 1 and 2, with the white queen on a white square to the left of the white king. If the pieces are unusual colours (red and black is common, as are novelty shaped pieces that represent TV characters) then set up the pieces as normal, with the queens opposite each other, and whoever's queen is on the left side of their king moves first.

How do you cut a cheese cylinder into eight equal pieces with three slices but no pieces are moved how do you do it?

Cut top to bottom, left to right, then horizonatally to make two layers.

How does the king take another piece in chess?

If one of you opponents pieces is around the King by on space like up down left right or any diagonal you can go on top of it and take the other players piece!