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Chess Pieces...

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Q: What do you call those things where you play with on the chess board?
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What do you call a column on a chess board?

A file

How do you play chess also where do all the pieces go?

to play chess the pieces need to be moved about and take other pieces from your opponent and and they go on a board call a chess board

What do you call a 64 square chess board?

An intact chessboard .

What do you call those things in air you jump off in swimming?

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What do you call a flat wooden board used for carrying things on?

Some call it a surf board, others may call it a tray.

What do you call someone that plays chess?

Chess master , chess player , participant , patzer(a derogatory term) or player .

What do you call a person who plays chess with himself?

A chess player with no-one else to play with.

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What do you call a box in chess game?

Typically the term box , in chess , refers to a chess engine. A form of chess playing software. The term box meaning one is playing a box ( the computer ) as opposed to a live opponent.

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