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In terms of gameplay, this wouldn't change anything. Nevertheless it might affect how the game looks. For a start, many people place the king and queen with the rule that the queen goes on her own colour. If black is not in the left hand corner at the start of the game, then king and queen would be switched, which could be confusing for people who have played many games with them the proper way around.

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Q: What difference does it make if black square is not on left hand corner of a chess board?
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In chess what is the setup of the queen go?

The board is set up in this manner: Black square in the left-hand corner, queen to her own color. The white queen is on d1 (a white square), the black queen on d8 (a black square).

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When you start a chess game, the bottom right corner SHOULD be a light square. If it is dark, you're actually playing on a checker board, so you'll need to rotate the board 90 degrees. Remember the saying in chess: 'white on right, queen on colour.' A checkerboard is the opposite of a chessboard. The lower right hand square is a dark square.

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To find the centre of a square or rectangular board, draw a diagonal line from corner to corner. Repeat for the remaining two corners. Both lines will cross over at the centre of the board.

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It is an 8×8 board so there are 64 squares which are of alternating dark and light color, often red and black.Only 32 of the squares are used for checkers, those being the black squares, and the board is oriented with the single (corner) black square at each player's left side.

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The 'long' diagonals are those two that run from one corner square diagonally across the board to the square in the opposite corner. They are the diagonals a1-h8 & h1-a8.

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Well, look at the file and rank the square is on. For instance, if a square is on file f and rank 4 it will be f4.

Why does it matter if your chess board has the black square on the left side of the board?

Because if you play with a white square on the left side, the locations of the white / black bishops on each side will be reversed. Also the King and Queen will be reversed. This will can confuse experienced players who are used to them being where they are. Additionally, if inexperienced players switch back and forth on which orientation they play in, they won't develop the white / black intuition that you get from playing on a consistent board orientation.

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iInvented The First Black Board In 1778