14, 15, 14 It is the percentage of prime numbers in each ascending group of 100 numbers.
the trillions comes after the billions!
A group of 16 is called a sextet.
group 16
Sulfur is in group 16 of the periodic table, also known as the oxygen group. It is a non-metal element with the atomic number 16 and is commonly found in compounds such as hydrogen sulfide (H2S) and sulfuric acid (H2SO4).
The group number for sulfur is 16 in the periodic table. This means that sulfur belongs to Group 16, also known as the oxygen group or chalcogen group.
Group 16 (group 6A)
Oxygen is in period 2 and group 16 (also known as group 6A or the chalcogens) on the periodic table.
Oxygen is a non-metal element and belongs to Group 16 (formerly Group VIA) of the periodic table. It has the atomic number 8 and is essential for sustaining life on Earth.
a group of 16 bits is called a "word"
group 16
Yes, sulfur is in group 6A of the periodic table, also known as group 16. It is a nonmetal element with atomic number 16 and is located in the same group as oxygen and selenium.