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That's very much a personal opinion. I would list: I Love Lucy, The Dick Van Dyke Show, MASH, Mary Tyler More Show, Newhart Show, Seinfield, Friends, Everybody Loves Raymond, Andy Griffith, and Home Improvement lists: Friends, Seinfield, The Simpsons, MASH, Fraiser, Cheers, Home Improvement, Scrubs, All In The Family, and Fresh Prince of Bel Air Other sitcoms that show up frequently on top ten lists include: Bewitched, The Honeymooners, Hogans Heros, Beverly Hillbillies, Addams Family, Munsters, Leave It To Beaver, Sanford and Son, Family Ties, Taxi, WKRP in Cincinatti, Threes Company, Mork and Minday, The Cosby Show, Will and Grace, Married with Children, Night Court, Golden Girls, Murphy Brown, Rosanne, Spin City, Reba, Two and a Half Men, Family Guy, King of the Hill

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Q: What are the top ten situation comedies of all time?
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There are 18 of Shakespeare's plays which are identified as comedies. Your mileage may vary on which ones are better than which others. Just because a play is popular and frequently performed does not mean that it is better. The five most frequently performed Shakespearean comedies are probably The Merchant of Venice, A Midsummer Night's Dream, Much Ado About Nothing, The Taming of the Shrew and Twelfth Night.

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What is proper on gravestone Grandmother to ten or Grammy of ten?

I would assume it would be "Grandmother of ten". This sounds more befitting for the situation. For "Grammy", although it might be what she preferred, it will in time be mistaken for inappropriate as people become less aware of her preferences. Hope I aided in your decision.