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Just the Facts:

  • Kentucky is the 26th most populated US State.
  • Kentucky is the 22nd most densely populated US State.
  • Kentucky's official state tree is the Tulip poplar which is really a magnolia.
  • Kentucky is home to the world's largest cave system.
  • Kentucky' official state fruit is the blackberry.
  • Kentucky is the 37th largest US State by area.
  • Kentucky was the birthplace of Abraham Lincoln and Jefferson Davis.
  • Kentucky's official state bird is the Cardinal.
  • Kentucky was the 15th state to join the Union.
  • Kentucky's official state dance is clogging.
  • Kentucky has eight electoral college votes.
  • Kentucky's official state flower is the goldenrod.
  • Kentucky Fried Chicken was begun in Kentucky.
  • Kentucky's official state honey festival is the Clarkson Honeyfest.
  • Kentucky produces Bourbon but the official state beverage is milk.
  • Kentucky's highest point is Black Mountain at 4,145 feet.
  • Kentucky is the 4th larges auto producing state in the Union.
  • Kentucky is the home of the Kentucky Derby.
  • Kentucky's official state horse is the Thoroughbred.
  • Kentucky is the home of the International Bluegrass Music Museum.
  • Kentucky's official state musical instrument is the Appalachian dulcimer.
  • Kentucky is in two different Time Zones.
  • Kentucky's offical state mineral is coal.
  • Kentucky has 120 counties.
  • Kentucky's official state music is Bluegrass Music.
  • Kentucky's capital at Frankfort has the 4th smallest population of all state capitals.
  • Kentucky has no official state grass but is known as the Bluegrass State.
  • Kentucky is the only US State that has had sitting governor assassinated.
  • Kentucky is the only US State that had its Capitol occupied by the Confederates during the US Civil War.
  • Kentucky's Governor from 1871-1875 moved to Montana and served as the Governor of Montana Territory from 1887-1889.
  • Kentucky got its only woman governor from 1983-1987.
  • Chevrolet Corvettes are only made in Kentucky.
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What are some interesting facts about Kentucky?

Fleming County is the covered Bridge Capital of Kentucky. Kentucky got its own women governor in 1983-1987. Chevrolet Corvettes are made only in Kentucky. This information is helpful for students and other people...

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Kentucky is a "no-fault" state concerning divorce. Only "irreconcilable differences" are recognized as grounds for divorce.

What state is Frankfort the capital?

Frankfort is located in Franklin Caounty in north central NC and it is the capital of Kentucky. FYI Frankfurt is a city in Germany.

What are three facts about Kentucky's new capitol building?

great big building look it up in your socil studies book

What are facts are about the Cherokee?

The Cherokee Indian tribe use to live in Georgia,Kentucky, Tennessee Virginia, and the Carolinas.The Cherokee Indians were forced to move to Oklahoma in the 1800's.

What are facts about Campbellsville University?

Here are some facts about Campbellsville University:It is located in Campbellsville, Kentucky and they also offer classes online.It is a private university.The mascot is the tiger.It is a private, Christian, liberal arts university.The school was founded in 1906.The acceptance rate is about 63%

What is the name of Kentucky?

The name of Kentucky is Kentucky.