· Earl Campbell (football)
· Early Wynn (baseball)
· Elgin Baylor (Basketball)
· Eli Manning (football)
· Elroy "Crazylegs" Hirsh (football)
· Emerson Fittipoldi (racecar driver)
· Emmitt Smith (football)
· Emmylou Harris (singer)
· Ernie Banks (baseball)
· Dale Earnhardt (racecar driver)
· John Elway (football)
· Phil Esposito (hockey)
· Julius Erving (basketball)
· Chris Evert (tennis)
Edmonton Eskimos is a football team in the Canadian Football League. The Edmonton Oilers is a team in the National Hockey League.
Tottenham Hotspur
All states have college football teams, but not even half of the states have NFL teams.
There are the Broncos, the Browns and the Jaguars and the Giants. Those are the teams that play professionally. College teams would be too numerous to mention in this short amount of space.
There are three current NFL teams that do not end in the letter "S": the Miami Dolphins, the New England Patriots, and the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. Additionally, the Las Vegas Raiders and the New York Jets also do not end in the letter "S," but the latter two teams were known by different names in the past. These teams are part of the 32 franchises that make up the National Football League.
There are only two teams that end in a letter other than an "s": The Chicago White Sox and the Boston Red Sox. All other teams end in an "s" because it is plural.
32 football teams NFL
There are hundreds of thousands of football teams. Nobody knows all of them.
That all of the sports teams there suck, including their football teams.
The nfl is this a joke?
By the look of all the sports teams in the state of Pennsylvania that I saw on this sports website http://www.cooperspick.com I would say football granted they have 2 NFL teams over 800 high school football teams and than all the college football teams.
about $50,000 - $75,000