Well, the shortest game possible is the Fool's mate, and that is 2 moves long(1.f3,e5 2.g4 Qh4#)
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Ozymandias/(Adrian Veidt) was regarded as the smartest man in the world due to his ability to intellectually manipulate the characters as one who moves chess-pieces in a game of chess anticipating the moves of his opponent(s) .
Yes , there are no rules in the game of chess prohibiting the duplication of a move by an opponent .
Their are 4 ways to end a chess game Resignation-The player suddenly notices he is going to lose and gives up Draw-The players agree to a draw, a tie Stalemate-The King cannot move anywhere but is not in check Checkmate-........Checkmate!!!
En-passant happens when the opponent moves a pawn up two squares, and only the turn immediately after the pawn moves, next to one of your pawns. Then, you take diagonally to the unoccupied space behind his/her pawn and remove his piece. It is the only chess move where the capturer does not take the opponent's piece's place.
Chess is considered a game of strategy because it forces you to think ahead. in a game of chess you cannot play without thinking because your opponent will easily defeat you.
an example would be when you are playin a Chess game, you think or predict what your opponent is going to do and plan a trap.
When you beat someone in a chess game, you want to be polite. You should always say "good game" and shake hands with your opponent after every game, regardless of the results. And if you want, you can compliment them on their playing, and even point out a few moves you really liked, or think they could improved on.
You can cheat in chess by installing a good chess game in PC. Then make the move opponent makes in the chess game installed in the PC. Then see what move computer makes and do it in the online game.
There are only two outcomes: you win or you draw. In some play, it is considered a draw if you have not been able to mate within 30 moves or if the same set of moves is repeated 5 times.
You can not skip your move in chess. You always have to move when it is your turn. If you have no legal moves in chess and it is your turn, the game is a stalemate.