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Unless you are supposed to be aiming for the 8 ball, pocketing the 8 ball at any point in the game results in loss.

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Q: Pocketing object ball then 8 ball on same stroke?
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No, the inertia of a bowling ball is greater than that of a golf ball. Inertia is directly related to an object's mass, so the heavier the object, the greater its inertia. The mass of a bowling ball is much larger than that of a golf ball, resulting in greater inertia.

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The bowling ball would have more momentum because it has more mass than the golf ball. Momentum is calculated as the product of an object's mass and velocity, so a heavier object moving at the same velocity will have more momentum.

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In 8 Ball this is loss of game under most rules. The 8 ball must be the object ball and struck first under most rules.

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The golf ball would go faster because it has less mass compared to the bowling ball but the same kinetic energy. The kinetic energy of an object is determined by both its mass and its velocity, so the lighter golf ball would be able to achieve a higher velocity with the same amount of kinetic energy as the heavier bowling ball.

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You can make the bowling ball and soccer ball have the same gravitational potential energy by lifting them to the same height above the ground. Gravitational potential energy depends on the mass of the object and the height it is lifted, so as long as both balls are lifted to the same height, they will have the same gravitational potential energy.

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The ref will toss the ball, whoever gets it first takes it. Three tosses per pair if both players keep catching the ball at the same time, then the two C's get to take the toss/s.

If in a game of pool the ball of player 1 goes in and on the same shot player 2 ball gose in is it still player 1 turn?

A player is credited with all balls he legally pockets. This means that player A could pocket one his balls while simultaneously pocketing all seven of his opponents balls and player A would still get credit for making a legal shot.

It is harder to stop a rolloing bowling ball than a rolling ping pong ball when both are rolling at the same velocity THis is an example of?

This is an example of momentum, which is a product of the object's mass and its velocity. It is also harder to start a bowling ball rolling than a ping-pong ball due to inertia, which is related only to the object's mass.

If an object has a higher speed will it cover the same distance in more or less time than a slower object?

Less. Think about it. Why might you run to catch a bus or a ball?

What happens in golf when you hit the provisional ball out of bounds?

There may be some local variations to speed play, but generally the penalty is "stroke and distance." This means that you add a penalty stroke to your score and hit the ball again from where the original ball was struck. The player has the option of hitting a provisional ball as well.

What has more kinetic energy a bowling ball or a marble moving at the same speed?

A bowling ball would have more kinetic energy than a marble moving at the same speed. Kinetic energy is directly proportional to mass, so an object with greater mass, like a bowling ball, will have more kinetic energy at the same speed compared to an object with lesser mass, like a marble.