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I couldn't find what you were specifically looking for--a crocheted lawn bowl bag? Am I right? I'm not sure exactly what you were requesting, as I never found something which explained what you meant by "cover."

The best I could do, was to come up with the idea to use a crocheted bag. So, I have attached links to various free patterns.

If you are wanting something to put a single bowl into--like a ball-shaped cover for an individual bowl, I have also attached links to ball patterns. Just modify the ball shape to have a closing--something like a draw-string for the top, or a button-closure for the middle of the ball shape, to give you a couple of ideas.

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Q: Pattern crochet for lawn bowl cover?
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Visit How Stuff Works to learn about proper lawn maintenance and how to keep your lawn free from weeds. This site will show you how lawn maintenance is the key factor in healthy beautiful lawn.

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You need to know the size of lawn, and the grass seed bags will tell you how much area they cover.

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The best way to mow your lawn would be up and down and side to side

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