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you can make a "T-Square" a plus

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Q: Move only one stipe and make square plus?
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If you use Toothpicks to make four squares move only two so that two squares remain and a toothpick must be a part of a square?

Old one. Make a square out of four squares, then remove two adjacent inside toothpicks. This leaves a large square with a small square inside.

If there are four toothpicks and you can only move one to make a perfect square which one do you move?

Any one of the four as long as it makes simultaneous contact with the remaining three, positioning them perfectly and the final positioning of the one you are moving completes the perfect square.

Why are tires only circle why not square or triangle?

they wont be able to move

In chess cant a king only move forward on its first go?

No, a king can move one square in any direction on its first move or it can 'castle.' The pawn is the only piece that is restricted to forward-only movement. The pawn may only move forward (toward the enemy), one square at a time, unless it's making an opening move, in which case it can move one or two squares. The pawn can only change direction to take a piece -- a pawn can take a piece that is one square forward diagonally (that is, up and right, or up and left one square). The pawn cannot take a piece directly in front of it.

In checkers can a king move as far as he wants?

he can move only one square per turn, but he can go backward

Which piece the rook became if it can now go move form the a1 square to the c2 square in chess?

Rooks cannot become other pieces, only pawns can do that. The only piece that could move from a1 to c2 is the knight.

How many moves do you have with the king when the king is by its self?

not limited, there is not any boundation of alone king's move. now you cant win, draw or mate or settlemate are possible results

Can you move into all squares if you are king?

No, every checker piece can be move onto a black square only. In fact, a 'king' can move to either of the four adjacent squares.

How do you make a square with only three sticks?

You could use the 3 stick to make the number 4 which is a perfect square.

How do you make a Pokemon sprite move?

it will only move if you have pokemon black or pokemon white.

If you only can make three straight lines how can you make a square?

you can't. its not possible

How can you make your jaw move faster while wearing elastics?

The only way to make you jaw move faster while wearing elastic is to make them move so depending with your stimuli.