errrr umm...
wht happened on the 31st June 1947
a. nothing because June only has 30 days
looll i hope this helps :)
Just answer the questions, they aren't that hard >.>
see this site
Wiki Answers Yahoo Answers: Kuneco: ExpertBee Lycos IQ General Opinions Quora
It will depend on how accurate the final answer is. More questions will provide a more accurat answer.
Yahoo Answers WikiAnswers Koowie LinkedLn Answers Truilia Voices Askville NowNow Lycos IQ Askeet AllExperts and a million more!
It kind of doesn't matter. Scientists are divided on what "IQ" actually means, and on whether or not a high IQ proves anything more than that you're good at the sorts of questions are on IQ tests (and, as a correllary, on what kinds of questions should be included on an IQ test).
The duration of More Questions Than Answers is 1800.0 seconds.
Answers do exist but there will always be more questions than answers.
More Questions Than Answers was created on 2006-10-20.
Intelligence Quota Testing (IQ tests) are designed to show the knowledge each person has acquired. Some questions ask for facts-only, while other questions evaluate reasoning and logic. It is impossible to list answers for "a" single IQ test (even if we could do so here), because there are many types of "IQ Tests". For example, the kind of IQ Tests offered online give only a small handful of example questions; these online tests cannot duplicate the more extensive IQ tests used by schools or by psychologists. There is also no way to study for an IQ test, so even if someone claimed to give all the answers, the particular "test" used may not match the provided answers.Instead of worrying about obtaining the correct answers beforehand, as if you can succeed if you know those specific answers, instead approach doing this test as an opportunity to discover just how much you know. Do your best. Read or follow verbal directions. Read questions carefully. Don't stress over your answers or whether an answer is perfectly right. Pay attention to directions about whether you should-- or should not-- guess at ones you are unsure about. And lastly, if you are told your IQ score, ignore it. Yes, ignore it. IQ is only one of many, many factors that can predict how well a person does in life. Some people with "average" IQs still lead major corporations, serve in politics, and are just as or more successful than people with "high" IQs.
Questions are often more important than the answers, because it is the creative process of coming up with questions that is important. The act of thinking, which gives you the questions, is often more important than actually looking up or researching the answers to the questions.
NO.There will always be more questions, and not all questions have answers (Such as rhetorical).