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No, porcelain tile can present problems.The typical floor surface around a billiard table is carpeting. The balls do occasionally leave the surface during play, and both balls and cues occasionally are dropped. The tile will not be forgiving like a conventional surface and is much more likely to damage the billiard balls and cues.

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Q: Is using porcelain tile around a billiard table good idea?
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You don't balance a billiard table, but you level it. This starts by making sure the floor is level. As the table is put together, the foundation is first leveled before the slate is installed. This should be done using a large level and a string level. After the slate is installed, the same process is used and small shims are inserted under the slate as it is tightened down. When the table seems completely level, the slate is finished and the level is re-checked. Most installers will also slowly roll a ball across the table in different paths to be sure the surface is correct before covering the slate.

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How can I effectively repair a porcelain crack?

To effectively repair a porcelain crack, you can use a porcelain repair kit that includes epoxy or adhesive specifically designed for porcelain. Clean the crack thoroughly, apply the adhesive according to the instructions, and let it dry completely before using the item again.

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