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It depends on how you see it. In one sense, the king is bigger because the game ends once the king is checkmated, while the game continues even after the queen is captured!

However, from the point of view of controlling squares, the queen is an extremely strong piece, due to the wide variety of allowed moves that it has!

At an even deeper level, the answer to your question also depends on the phase of the game, and the dynamics of that particular game!

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12y ago
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14y ago

The only piece the queen is shorter than in Chess is the king. It is taller than the pawns, knights, bishops, and rooks.

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13y ago

The piece to the left of the king at the start of the game. Can move diagonally, horizontally, and vertically. Is not able to jump over pieces.

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12y ago

While the king is the single most important chess piece , the queen is the most powerful and thus the strongest piece because of her power to move about the chess-board in strength .

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No. The queen can't be "checked", only the king can be checked.

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If you mean the Queen of Great Britain, Elizabeth II, then yes, she does.