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if you have a job a form of transpirtation to ur job and a place to stay you can move out at 16

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Q: Is the legal age 17 to move out in Connecticut?
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Can you legally move out of parents home at the age of 17 in CT?

In Connecticut, the legal age of majority is 18. However, if you are 17 and have been legally emancipated by a court, you may be able to move out of your parents' home. It is advised to seek legal guidance to understand the specific laws and regulations that apply in your situation.

What is the age of consent in Connecticut and can a 22 year old be with a 17 year old?

The age of consent is 16 in Connecticut. There is not going to be a legal issue with it. However, the parents may not be happy about it.

Can a child move out in Georgia at the age of 14?

No, the state's age of legal majority is 18. no you can move out at 17 though

Can you move out at 17 without emancipation in Connecticut?

No, in Connecticut, individuals under the age of 18 are considered minors and cannot move out without parental permission or court-ordered emancipation. If you are 17 and seeking to live independently, it is advisable to explore legal options like emancipation to gain the ability to make decisions regarding housing and other matters.

What is the legal age to move out in the state of GA?

For a male its 17 for a female it is 18

Can you move in with your grandma at 17 even if your parents are against it?

Not until you are of legal age.

In the state of Louisiana if you are 16 about to be 17 in 4 days can you move out.?

No. In your state, 18 is the legal age to move out.

What is the legal age to marry in Connecticut?

The legal age to marry in Connecticut is 18. However, minors who are 16 or 17 years old may marry with parental consent and court approval.

Can you run away to a state that its legal age to move out is 17?

It is possible to move to a state where the legal age to move out is 17, but you should consider factors such as housing, employment, and support systems before making a decision. It is important to have a plan in place before moving out on your own, even if you meet the legal age requirement in a specific state.

What is the legal age to move out with out juvenile saying anything?

For a girl the age has to be 18 or older. For a boy the age can be 17 or older.

Is it legal to move out of your parents house at the age of 17 in Iowa WITH your parental consent?

Yes it is.