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The goal in Chess, or the object of the game, is to checkmate your opponent's king. A king is in checkmate when he is attacked and no matter what move he attempts to make he is still being attacked (or in check). There are three ways to get out of check: move the king to a safe square, capture the checking piece, or block with another piece. If a player is in check and cannot get out of check, he is in checkmate and has lost the game.

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Related questions

When was Chess King created?

Chess King was created in 1968.

When did Chess King end?

Chess King ended in 1995.

Can any piece kill any piece in chess?

The capture of the King is the penultimate goal in the game of chess .

What is the most important piece on the chess board?

Each of the chess pieces are important to the game of chess but the most valuable is , of course , the king . The queen , rooks , bishops and knights are also important to the game .Each of these chess pieces have an assigned value :King-invaluableQueen-9Rook-5Knight and Bishop-3Pawn-1

When was Chess or the King's Game created?

Chess or the King's Game was created in 1616.

How do you capture a king?

In chess, a king can capture any other piece except another king. Getting next to a the opposing king puts you in check because it allows your king to be taken first losing the game. Moving next to the opposing queen is the same situation unless the queen moves next to the king as some sort of sacrifice ploy.

Does one win by placing his king on opponent's king place in chess?

No , winning the game of chess requires the capture of the king .

What does the website Chess King Training provide?

The website Chess King Training has a game where you can prove your chess playing skills. There are also some chess products and software that are available for purchase.

Can a king draw a game of chess?

Yes, as long as the king gets to the enemy side of the chess board.

Can a king take a non-threatening piece?

The king in chess may capture any other chess piece except the enemy king .

What does the king do in the Harry Potter chess set?

the king in harry potter chess moves 1 space anywhere

Which is most valuable in chess?

The most valuable piece in chess is the King whose capture is the goal of the game itself . The pawn = 1 point , the knight = 3 points , the bishop = 3 , the rook = 5 points and the queen is worth 9 points .