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I'm not quite understanding this question, but what it sounds like is: do u receive a pawn when your king goes across the board?? if so, then the answer is no, you receive nothing for anything going across the board, except for pawns, which can be turned into any piece except a king or another pawn. Another interesting thing about turning pawns, is if u already have the max of the piece on the board, u cannot turn it into that piece,





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Q: Is any possibility to get a pawn in chess when king across?
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The answer to the riddle is "a chess piece," specifically, the pawn. In chess, a pawn can become a different piece, such as a queen, once it reaches the opponent's back row and promotes.

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It is simple, Chess board with pawn, rock, bishop, horse, queen, and king and of course a referee.

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Queen, Rook, Bishop, Knight, Pawn, King

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Pawn, Bishop, Rook, Knight, King and Queen.

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Pawn, Knight, Bishop, Rook, Queen, and the King.

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Once a pawn reaches the last rank the pawn can be promoted to any piece except the king . Yes , if you already have a queen the pawn can be promoted to another queen .

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The King, The Queen, Bishop, Pawn, Knight, and Rooks. =)

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The pawn , which can be promoted to any other chess piece besides the King , when promoted will still occupy the same square .