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No. Only the 8 ball is occasionally considered lucky. Some people use the higher Baseball pool balls as "lucky" only because people often are taken by surprise by seeng them, such as the 17 ball or 21 ball.

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Q: Is a 14 ball lucky from a pool table?
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Related questions

How many balls on a pool table?

Different numbers for different games. 8-Ball has 15 numbered balls and one cue ball. 9-Ball has 9 balls and one cue ball.

How many balls are there in a standard pool game?

depends on the game, most common are 8-ball in which there are player plays1-7, the other plays 9-15,then the 8. the other is 9-ball in which there 9. In 9 ball pool you hit the nine ball in last.10 or 16. The three most common pool games are 8 Ball, 9 Ball and Straight Pool. Both 8 Ball and Straight Pool use 15 numbered balls and the cue ball. In 9 Ball, only the first 9 numbered balls are used plus the cue ball.

Is 14 a lucky number?

Actually 14 is my lucky number too, it is my birthday number and it is the number on Valentines day! Every number is lucky in my opinion but 14 gives me a spark of excitement.

When did Lucky Ladders end?

Lucky Ladders ended on 1993-05-14.

When was The Lucky Corner created?

The Lucky Corner was created on 1936-03-14.

When was Lucky Bastards created?

Lucky Bastards was created in 2003.

What color is the 1ball in pool?

White - cue ball Yellow - 1 and 9 Blue - 2 and 10 Red - 3 and 11 Purple - 4 and 12 (except for televised games when pink is used in the US) Orange - 5 and 13 Green - 6 and 14 Brown - 7 and 15 Black - 8 ball

When was Lucky Losers created?

Lucky Losers was created on 1950-05-14.

When was Edu-macating Lucky created?

Edu-macating Lucky was created on 2006-05-14.

When was Lucky Old Sun created?

Lucky Old Sun was created on 2008-10-14.

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What is 'table 14' when translated from English to Italian?

"Table 14" in English is tavolo quattordici in Italian.