behind a 8 pool ball
I got hit by a pool ball in the head so I wanted to noe if it's bad to get hit in the head by a pool ball YES I got hit in the head with a snow shovel and a basket ball and they both hurt and i got a concussion
A ball in hand is a circumstance in the game of pool or billiards in which a fault by another player permits the competitor to take the cue ball in hand and place it behind the baulk line.
No, you do not lose. When you scratch on the break, your opponent has ball in hand behind the head string. == If a player scratches on a legal break shot, (1) all balls pocketed remain pocketed (exception, the 8-ball: see rule 4.8), (2) it is a foul, (3) the table is open. Please Note: The incoming player has cue ball in hand behind the head string and may not shoot an object ball that is behind the head string, unless he first shoots the cue ball past the head string and causes the cue ball to come back behind the head string and hit the object ball."
Some good pool tips for a beginner is to line your cue stick up with the white ball and the ball you are attempting to hit into the hole. Do not sink the ball 8 ball.
If you play "behind the diamonds," then he has to place it behind the second diamond on the pool table on the side that you broke from. You can also set the rules to what we call "Malaysian Style," and place the ball anywhere. It's your choice.
The expression comes from the pool-table. In some forms of pool, sinking or even touching the eight-ball is tabu except in end play. To be "behind the eight ball" is to be unable to play without disturbing the eight-ball, and thus the expression means "unable to do anything without getting in trouble."
That is called the Ghost Ball method of aiming.
A teaching method. For newer pool players, it can be difficult to determine where to aim to have the cue ball strike the object ball at anything other than a straight shot. The most common method taught is to use a "ghost ball". This method requires you to first line the shot up, standing behind the object ball so that the pocket or point you want the object bakk to hit is directly in front and in line with you. You now imagine a pool ball is laying right there immediately next to the object ball. For the first few times, the instuctor will make a mark on the table on this line, 1 1/8 inches from the object ball. This is the center of your ghost ball. Now, you move over to the cue ball and aim at the center of the ghost ball, imagining that a ball is there and you want your cue ball to go exactly where it is. You make the shot, the cue ball goes to exactly where the ghost ball was, and your object ball goes exactly where it should go! Easy! After a few practice shots, maybe even a few dozen, this can be done without marking the table with chalk.
The head string is a line across the table at the 1/4 point. The center of this line is where the head spot is located. For an 8' x 4' table, the head string is 2' from the head end of the table.