Reaching the end of the chess-board is only significant to the pawn who then can be promoted to any chess piece other than the King .
The pawn , which can be promoted to any other chess piece besides the King , when promoted will still occupy the same square .
If one of your pawns reaches the other end of the board you may trade that pawn for any chess piece you have lost.
There is only one kind of transformation in chess; when a pawn reaches the other side of the board, it can turn into any piece (excluding king and pawn).
The pawn may be promoted to any chess piece except the King .
you get one of your pawns to the other side of the board. then, you can take what ever piece you lost in the beginning. (besides a nother pawn) is a site where you can play chess, solve chess puzzles, read chess news, and a lot of other stuff.
This is called pawn promotion. When the pawn reaches the other side, it can promote to any other piece except pawn or king. Many players opt to promote their pawn to a queen, as it is the most powerful piece on the board (after the king, of course). However, this isn't always the best strategy; sometimes, a chess game can be won much faster and easier if the pawn promotes to a, say, knight. It's wise to consider what you're going to do with that promoted piece before you decide what to promote it to.
Nothing happens, when the king reaches the other end of the board he reaches the other end of the board, that's it.
I don't think there is another name for the game chess
There is no such think as knighting in Chess. There is 'promotion' in which the pawn, when reaching the other end of the board, is turned into any other piece.
roman chess was a kids game layed between each other