You can if the opposing player's pieces is in the way of one of yours.
Only in certain circumstances such as having your king in check with no squares to move to and the only way to stop the check is to capture the piece delivering the check.
The objective of chess is to checkmate the king, where the king is in check by a piece and it cannot block the check, move to another square, or capture the piece checking the king.
A founded check is when a piece in the middle of the king and the piece moves away.
plan to kill king
No, because before you kill the king, but you're about to after your opponent's turn, they must get out of check because your queen is checking the king. In other words, they must use their own chess pieces to block the queen or they can move the king into a different spot that is not checked.
Yes, as long as the piece he's killing is only one space away and if it will not put him in check.
Not really, according to the rules of chess, you can't castle out of check, therefore, the computer can
You don't take/kill a king in chess. You have to put it into checkmate, ie, there are no moves the opponent can make with any piece, to take the king out of check. When this happens, the game is over.
A legal check mate in chess is anytime the king piece is in a position that cannot avoid capture by the opponent's pieces. A legal checkmate signifies the end of the chess game.
By placing them in check and they have no way to escape it.
Yes, you can.