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There are 20 possible first moves for each player. Some are certainly better than others. There are eight pawns, and on its first move a pawn can be moved either one or two spaces forward. That's 16 possible moves. In addition, each of the knights has two possible moves, and that accounts for the other 4 moves.

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15y ago
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14y ago


There are 8 pawns, you can choose to move them either 1 or 2 squares. So

8x2 = 16.

Then, Your nights can move two spaces at the very start of the game, so thats

2x2 = 4

16 + 4 = 20.

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9y ago

The players have seven choices for their first move in checkers. Only four of the pieces can move at the start of the game.

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12y ago

There are 20 possible moves for your first move.

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11y ago

You have 20 options as white making your first move. There are 16 different pawn moves, and 4 Knight moves.

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13y ago

In Chess, 10

In checkers, 6

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In a game of chess how many different choices do you have in your first move?

20 choices. Pawns can move to the 1st square or 2nd = 16 Horses can move to the left or right = 4 Rooks can't do anything. Neither can rooks or bishops. Nor the queen or king.

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The first 'proper' videogame was a computer version of Chess, made by Alan Turing in 1947.

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The first recorded chess game dates back to the 9th century, in India. It is known as the game of Chaturanga, and although the rules were slightly different from modern chess, the basic concepts and gameplay were similar.

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Different themes for chess games are chess. Chess was invented in India a long time ago, and is still used by many, any usually by kids. That is the theme game for kids.

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Steinitz is considered the Father of Modern Chess because he is the first chess master who understood that the game has certain barriers to creativity which, in turn, led to the development of chess logic and methods. i hope this is right

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No chess was first played in early indonesia. It was created around 300 B.C.

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