Any foul when shooting on the black is an automatic loss for the player who fouled.
If the white follows the black in, then you lose in any case.
the person who pots the white and black ball at the same time loses.
If the pool stick, or cue, hits the cue ball, the white ball, with any part other than the tip, it is a foul. If the tip strikes the cue ball, it is a shot. After that, the outcome depends on the game, what balls was struck, whether it was a break shot or in-game shot, the proper object ball, and where the bal struck ends up.
only if the white ball is sunk
The 8 ball.
There is no spot for the black ball on a pool table.
A six ball for pool is dark green.
there are 7 solid, 7 striped, 1 black 8-ball, and1 white cue ball.
It's the same name, whether it's pool, snooker or billiards.... The Cue-ball
The 8 ball
This depends upon the game being played. In English Billiards, there is no black ball. In Pocket Billiards, each game is different - In 7 ball, there is no black ball; In 8 Ball, it goes in the center; In 9 Ball, it may be placed anywhere except the apex; In Straight Pool it can go anyplace except the back to corners.
eight ball
The white ball is heavier than the rest of the balls