how much would it cost to build a 30 person driving range? That must be the dumbest answer I have ever heard
it would cost you around $100,000.
The same as it would cost to build a non-Christian building. It depends on what is being built.
Cost nothing to build new ones if you slave drive the inmates to build them.
Cost driving factors
If you are going to build the house and pay for materials only, and you already own the land I would think in the $40-$50/ft range. If you add the building, and land cost into the Sq Ft, it would be in the $75-100 Sq FT range. Track homes with land included are going to run in the $100-150/sq. ft. range. If you own the land and are having a custom builder build new, your square foot prices could run from $125-200 or more very easily. On a brand new kitchen alone in todays economy, you will spend $50k (national average).
Depends on what you are driving.
1 dollar2 dollar3 dollar
In 1912, Titanic was built for $7.5M which would be about $400M today.
It would cost tons of money because you would have to buy some property and then you would have to build a salon
If such a flight existed, it would cost in the range of 700-1500 American dollars.
To build a food court in a school would depend on the restaurants you want to put in it. the overall cost would be around $250,000 or more. thank you for asking Sharty!
the hubble space telescope cost 1.5 million dollars