FORTUNATE a, an, are, art, aft, after, ant, aunt, ate, atone, attune, eat, ear, era, eon, earn, for, foe, fear, feat, far, fort, forte, fan, fat, fate, fare, fortune, fret, front, font, fount, fore, fora, fun, futon, nor, near, nut, net, not, neat, note, of, oft, or, ore, oat, often, otter, out, our, oaf, oar, one, roe, rote, rue, rune, rat, raft, rate, roan, ran, raft, rant, run, rut, rue, rot, rotten, rout, route, runt, rent, rotate, tune, ton, tone, taut, taunt, tote, teat, tent, tern, tore, tear, tort, ten, tan, tat, tot, Tut, tut, tuft, tout, tenor, tanner, tuner, toner, tea, tuna, to, unto
They were fortunate to make it out alive.
A formal word for fortunate is lucky. There are other words which are similar to the meaning of fortunate like blessed and favored.
I was very fortunate to have such a delightful family.
We are fortunate that mom is willing to watch the kids since day care is extremely expensive. I am fortunate to have an assistant because there is lots of work to be done. We're fortunate to be getting rain when so many other states are experiencing a severe drought. He is fortunate to still be working when many of his coworkers have been laid off. I was fortunate to have excellent high school teachers who made sure I was well prepared for college. Many people have difficulty finding a good dentist, but we're fortunate to have one right in our family.
The Fortunate Pilgrim has 544 pages.
Fortunate Son - novel - has 313 pages.
The Fortunate Fall - novel - has 288 pages.
The name is from the Latin felicitare (to make happy) from felix (fortunate).It means happy, joyous, or fortunate.
You can make the words: ma, me, am,
Words that can be made from the letters in MAKE are:aammame