Seeing as to how each side starts with two knights (horses) there are four knights at the start of the game. If a pawn is promoted to a knight there can be more than four knights on the board, but this doesn't usually happen.
in a chess game there are four bishops.Two on each side
Chess is a game designed for two players .
Sofonisba Anguissola painted The Chess Game in 1555. Wikipedia has an imge. If that is not it check this link with many chess paintings,
Chess is a game that is played and enjoyed by many cultures internationally .
There are a total of 32 pieces at the start of a chess game - 16 of each colour.
There are 4 rooks on the board at the start of a game of normal chess.
A ten minute chess game is a blitz game of chess.
The horse was playing a chess game; it jumped over an opponent's piece and landed on a square that had no opposing pieces to capture. This is a common move in the game of chess.
The chess fork is usually used at least once in every chess game. There is not a known number.
The first game of chess was played in India.
Many schools have chess clubs that count as extra-curricular activities.