There are none in English Billiards. In Carom Billiards, there are none. In the Pocket Billiards games, the 8 ball is the only black ball - 7 Ball has no 8 ball, hence no black ball, but all other games include the 8 ball, so, they have 1 black ball.
8 ball pool, 7 solid, 7 stripes the 8ball and the cue ball. So 16.
£47.00 each
Snooker has 15 solid red balls plus 6 numbered balls (2-7) and the cueball.
There is no game of pool practice, so there are no red balls. The 3 and 11 balls are red in the game of pool however.
there are 7 solid, 7 striped, 1 black 8-ball, and1 white cue ball.
There are seven striped balls in billiards.
7, The 9 - 15 balls are striped.
Depending upon the game, there are from 7 to 21 colored balls.
In 8 ball pool there are 16 balls on the table, a cue ball, 8 ball, 7 solids and 7 stripes although they could be red and yellow etc. In 9 ball there are 10 balls on the table, cue ball, 1-7 solid, 8 ball and striped 9 ball.
Generally the 'solids' are the 1 through 7 balls (the 8 while solid in color, is the 'game ball' and not considered a part of that set) - these are also called "low balls" so; Low or Solids is the same set of balls. also the solid are also refered as dots
15 in a regular game