A rook is a piece which can move as many squares as are unimpeded by either an opponent's or the player's own pieces along a file or rank. Each player has two rooks which are placed at opposite ends of each player's nearest horizontal line, meaning rank. The rook may also "castle" with its own king. The castle move may not be made if there are pieces between the king and the rook; if any square beteen the rook and king is presently in check; or if the king has moved. If the king has moved, it loses the right to castle with either rook. If a rook has moved, the king may not castle with the moved rook. It may still castle with the unmoved rook as long as that is not prohibeted. In castling the king moves 2 squares to either the left or the right, depending on which rook it is castling with and the rook is placed on the square adjacent to the king on its other side. I like to think of it as a "hop, skip and a jump". The king hops one square then skips to the next square, then the rook hops over the king. Maybe this is where that phrase came from and I'm not so innovative as I thought. Remember to always castle early in order to protect the king and unite the rooks on the back rank. A king left where it starts out becomes a sitting duck for attacking pieces.
The rook in Chess (may be referred to as the castle) is a piece that can move horizontally and vertically any amount of spaces on a chess board but can not jump over pieces. The rook usually has no purpose in the beginning of the game since it blocked by so many pieces and usually makes it into the endgame. The rook is worth 5 points as well. The special ability of a rook though is "castling" which is when a there are no pieces between a king and a rook, the king will move two spaces toward the rook of choice and then the rook will move to the opposite side of the king. You have to make sure you have not moved the king yet, you are not in check, and you don't pass check.
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The rook moves along either a rank or a file, and can move across or along any number of unoccupied squares. This means it can "reach" from one side of the board to the other if there are no obstructions. Certainly if an opponents piece is on a square, the rook can move onto that square to capture it, as long as no other pieces are in the way. In addition, the rook is a participant in the "castling" of the king. The rook and king cannot have been previously moved to do this. The rook is slid along the rank to stand beside the king, and the king effectively "jumps" the rook and ends up on the other side of it. The king has effectively moved two squares instead of its normal one square in this special move. Note that if the square onto which the rook might be moved to castle is under attack, castling cannot be performed as the king would have to pass "through" the attacked square. As the king cannot ever move into check, castling where the king would move across an attacked square is not a legal move. In a last note, it is usually suggested that if a player is intending to castle, that player would be best advised to touch the king first, move it the required two squares toward the rook, and then move the rook "over" the king to stand along side of it. That way there is no doubt about the intent of the player. Tournament rules include things like "touch and move" where a player who touches a piece must move that piece. The exceptions to that rule are that a player can adjust the position of his own piece as long as he informs his opponent of what he is doing. There is another facet to this rule, and that is if a player who does not indicate he is adjusting one of his pieces (or has no intent to do so) actually touches it, and that piece cannot make a legal move, the player is not acting in the best tradition of the game.
Rooks are the castle-shaped pieces that begin the game at the four corners. They can move an unlimited distance but can't jump over other pieces, and can only travel up, down, or side to side. The word comes from a Sanskrit word meaning chariot. It is possible the piece in its original incarnation represented a mobile seige tower rather than a castle tower.
The rook can move 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 squares right or left or up and down the board.Not quite. A rook can never move eight squares. If the rook begins at one end of a rank or file a move of seven squares will take it to the other end.
Kings can move one space in ANY directionIf neither the king nor a selected rook has moved yet during the game then...you MAY move the king two spaces towards the selected rook and then move the rook one space to the opposite side of the rook
the rook, which is another name for a castle in chess
No, they are supposed to represent advisors.
The castle (properly called a rook) can only move in straight lines, vertically or horizontally. It can move any number of spaces in these directions. It can also participate in a move called "castling." This is when the king moves two squares sideways towards either rook, and the rook hops over it to the intermediate square. In no circumstances can a rook move diagonally.
Move your King 2 spaces first.
Do you mean the Rook?
It is a riddle; the correct move is (the white rook) Rc6, blocking the white bishop's pin on the black rook.
The "rook". A rook is the name of a Eurasian bird of the crow family. A rook is also the chess piece that resembles a tower of a castle.
This is more a riddle or a joke than an actual chess question. The answer is "rook," which is a type of bird. A rook is also a chess piece, although the word rook comes from the Persian rukh which meant a heavily fortified chariot.