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Checkmate them, Make them resign. those are the only ones. ============================================ The object of the game of Chess is to checkmate your opponent's king. Placing your opponent's king in check means that his king is threatened with being captured by one or more of your pieces on your next move. A player whose king has been placed in check has three options: move his king out of check; block the opponent's piece giving the check with one of his own pieces (note: in the case of a knight giving the check, this option is not possible); or capture the opponent's piece that is giving the check. If a player is unable to overcome the check in one of those ways, that player's king has been checkmated and the game has been lost. Often, a player will realize that his position on the chessboard is hopeless and that having his king checkmated by his opponent is inevitable. In such circumstances, that player will usually resign the game. The symbolic gesture of resignation is to lay one's king on its side.

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16y ago
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13y ago

To win a game of chess, you must CheckMate your opponent's King.

This means you must get to a position in which you are attacking his King (putting him in check) and the King can not escape.


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13y ago

You have to move your player so that your partners KING isin a place where you can capture it. This is called CHECK MATE. If the the other player is unable to protect its king by the time it is your turn, you win!!!

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9y ago

To win chess, you must use a move called a 'Checkmate' on the opponents' king. It is where you are attacking the king, and there is no possible escape (blocking the attack, capturing the attacking piece, or moving the king out of an attack).

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13y ago

You don't , chess is a game in which every player has lost a game and will lose a game . You can improve your skills by reading books on the subject , study the past games of an accomplished player and play others whose skills are better than yours .

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14y ago

To win at chess you capture the King by using the chess pieces strategically and tactically ~ see related link below .

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14y ago

To win at chess you must be better than your opponent by having more experience and being better studied at the game of chess .

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12y ago

You win in chess by checkmating your opponent.

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14y ago

Checkmate your Opponents King

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It's possible to win a chess game with any set or number of pieces

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The objective of chess is to take the king to win the game(war).

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The pawn upon it's promotion and properly applied to the strategy in capturing the opponent's king could win the game of chess .

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If you mean famous then you are right because chess is famous. It is a game where you need to use your brain to win.

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How do you beat a game of chess?

A game of chess is won when a player cannot make a move to prevent their king being captured in the next turn. In this way the position is called "checkmate". Another way to win a game of chess is through resignation, or, if the game is timed, then a player may win if his opponent's clock reaches zero.

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Does one win by placing his king on opponent's king place in chess?

No , winning the game of chess requires the capture of the king .

What is game in 2 in chess?

Game in 2 is the quicket way to win a game of chess. The best example is: 1.f3,e5 2.g4, Qh4# This is also called Fool's Mate.

What is the man called who made chess?

There was no man that made chess in third grade my teacher told me that chess was made when a king and queen had to battle another kingdom they invented a game and whomever won that game would win.

What happens if you lose in the game of chess?

If you lose, you had the opportunity to observe what your opponent did in order to win, and you might learn something from that. Losing at chess can be very educational.