It is called a logic game because when you're in a certain level there will only be a certain amount of moves you can make; therefore it will only be logical and strategic for you to do those moves.
You can not skip your move in chess. You always have to move when it is your turn. If you have no legal moves in chess and it is your turn, the game is a stalemate.
An electronic chess set contains a database or rules and game moves. These can be used to improve your game without the eyestrain that a computer chess game can cause.
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There are certain movies in the game of chess that are referred to as chess openings. There is a list of 1,327 moves made by either the white or black pieces that are considered a chess opening.
You would likely use a castle and knight in a game like Chess, where the knight is a unique chess piece that moves in an L-shaped pattern, and the castle, known as the rook, moves horizontally or vertically across the board.
50 moves I know wow
the last moves of a chess game Life as a game
The checkmate requiring the least moves in a chess game is called the "Fool's Mate", and only takes 2 moves. 1. f2f3 e7e5 2. g2g4 qh4#
At the start of a game of chess only one move is allowed - White always makes the first move .