The answer really depends on the type of table. Is it wood, mdf, or slate? If it is slate, is it the typical 3 piece or is it a single slab? Transporting non slate tables, though you should be careful, are not too big of a deal. Single slate tables are not too hard to disassemble, but can be very heavy and dangerous to move. The standard 3 piece slate table is quite a process to move. YOU HAVE TO TAKE THE TABLE APART. Take it all apart and mark each piece as you go. Move the pieces and if you are very handy put it back together. If you are not very handy, I would suggest hiring a professional for reassembly as getting three pieces of slate level and the felt firm and tight are extremely important if you want your table to work right. Make sure the slates are cushioned and under no stress at any point in the move, have lots of help, and take your time, and you should be able to get all the pieces from one place to the next.
This depends upon whether you are moving it a short distance (in the room) or to a new location with a truck. Pool halls use a wheeled pool table jack to safely move tables between rooms. If you are moving to a new location and can fit the pool table through the doorway (such as in a garage) you can do this and load the table on a flatbed, no disassembly required. However, if neither of these apply to you, you will most likely have to disassemble and get it re-assembled at the new location. If it is a one piece slate, you can disassemble and re-assmble yourself, with patience. Otherwise, a professional should be called in to re-assemble, level the table, and re-felt it.
There are pool table jacks and dollies that are designed to lift the pool table and roll it to a new location. These are used by billiard halls and bars. If unable to rent the proper jack, a wheeled automotive transmission jack can be used, with boards placed under the table supports.
Slate is very durable, but can chip easily. Slate is usually stored upright, but there is no reason it cannot be stored flat as well. The rest of the table should be treated like furniture and stored where moisture won't collect. The felt on the rails may become damaged by insects, so bag storage will prevent this. The rubber will dry out over time and this cannot be prevented. The pool equipment, including the balls and cues, should be stored at room temperature. The cues should be hung as any other position will create warp, there are no flat sides on a cue.
A billiards table must be dis-assembled, moved, then re-assmebled (including new felt) at the new location. If you have to ask the question of "how", most likely you should rely on a professional for both disassembly and re-assembly. Moving the table simply takes at least 2 strong individuals for the slate. There is no special handling, and a pool table can be moved in the average SUV type car, even a subcompact, though due to weight it may take several trips.
It depends on how far you have to move it. Within a pool hall, they use a pool table jack with wheels which safely moves the table from place to place and is easy to re-level. If you are moving the table to a new location and cannot use the jack to get it through the doorway and onto a flatbed truck, you have to take it apart and will have to get the surface re-finished, including new felt. If you are able to wheel it around to move it, check for equipment rentals to rent a jack - your best option is to rent an auto transmission jack and suse som estrong boards, as you probably can't rent the pool table jack.
Just sold my table as we are moving. Buyer showed up with 3 husky helpers. They took the legs off and were able to load it in a pickup, but both side panels were pulled loose and they were all totally wiped out when done. Have no idea how it rode like that.
Strongly recommend having a professional dismantle it and reassemble on the other end--especially if was a good table as this one was.
A 9 foot Gandy pool table uses a fine finished 3 piece slate. There is no pattern specific to Gandy.
It would be very expensive to purchase just the sate, but yes, you can buy just the slate. A cheaper way to get the slate is to buy a used table and simply throw away the table except for the slate.
Yes, slate is not necessary, but the level of play may not equal to even a cheap slate table.
A 7-foot slate pool table typically weighs between 700-1000 pounds, depending on the specific model and manufacturer.
The pool table slate is not fused together. The most common material for filling the seams is beeswax. Each piece of slate is attached to the table foundation by use of screws. From the surface, this gives the appearance of being fused.
Most pool table slate comes from Italy and is cut and milled there for pool table use. From there, it is finished at the pool table manufacturer. To purchase new slate, you need to contact a pool manufacturer and convince them to sell you the slate. Because it is not an item they intned to sell, expect it to be very costly. In addition, you will most likely be responsible for drilling the slate yourself. A better option may be to look around for a used pool table that has the slate in excellent condition. This can be found in yard and garage sales, newspaper ads, Craig's List, and eBay. This most likely will be much cheaper than buying new slate.
Yes. While technically possible, the frame and slate would both be custom made. Conventional tables are not made with 4 piece slate.
This is a fancy name used to sell a 3/4 inch synthetic pool table surface that has enough slate inside of it so that they can say the word slate legally. This type of surface is not similar to a true slate pool table and will not provide a level playing surface over time.
The slate has no resale value for pool tables, except to someone who has badly damaged slate (from dropping it, etc.). Most landscapers use slate regularly and are equipped to handle it. If it cannot be sold as replacement pool table slate (it must be in excellent condition of course and a matched set), the major landscaper is the best customer.
The value is about $100, regardless of size, if it is in excellent condition. There is no resale value to the general public, because slate doesn't go bad. The only potential purchaser is a major retailer who may want the slate to be able to replace a set that was damaged in handling. The slate must be replaced as a set for multiple piece slate.
If the table is 9 foot, it is 3 piece slate. If it 8 foot, it most likely is, but you can look underneath the table and see the seams. For 7 foot tables, you definitely have to look. If you are unable to look from underneath and really need to know, the rails can be removed as a large 1 piece square on most tables and you can then see the slate. The rails, as a large piece can be easily removed and reinstalled.