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you must have a distraction with a powerful gun (Vulcan, raider), a sniper (longshot, longstrike) that sneaks behind enemy lines, and two people with normal guns (firefly, maverick, recon, deploy) and once that's done if there's anyone left alive start the n force weapons( thunder fury, shadow fury, marauder, warlock) and move in to massacre everyone. Then you can claim BRAGGING RIGHTS!

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Q: How do you have good tactics for Nerf warfare?
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Guerrilla warfare utilizes sabotage tactics.

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What were the tactics of fighting in the Seven Years War?

In North America, hit and run tactics; guerrilla warfare.

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The Nerf Elite is good product if you intend to modify it.

Guerrilla Warfare?

Is a form of irregular warfare in which a small group of combatants such as armed civilians or irregulars use military tactics including ambushes, sabotage, raids, petty warfare, hit-and-run tactics, and mobility to fight a larger and less-mobile traditional military.

Why did soldiers decide to use trench warfare?

The Trench warfare was a common tactics during and before world war 1. It gave soldiers a very good cover from bullets, artillery, mortars. It was also cheap and simple

How do you win a Nerf war?

you play hard, take as much cover as you can or you get a longshot and get a good sniping spot. But you also could take the harder route. You can get all your answers at, go to sports and fitness, look for airsoft, then go to Nerf. The answers can be found in "How to Have Good Tactics For Nerf Warfare" and other places too! also run in a group of 2 or 3 with a heavy gun like the vulcan ebf 25 or the raider rapid fire cs 35 and 1 or 2 small guns like the recon cs 6 or the maverick also have a trap ready for your opponet like monkey music playing things and recorded voices

What are fighting small bands using tactics such as suddeen ambushes?

Guerrilla warfare 

What did the swamp fox do?

go thrift shopping in the house

How did warfare change in ancient times?

Warfare changed in various ways during ancient times. For example, Roman legions revolutionized warfare through the tactics and formations they used.

What caused the stalement of the war?

Ineffective military tactics of The Schlieffen Plan, and new tactics needed for trench warfare were the main reasons behind the stalemate.

What were the military tactics of George Washington?

he used guerilla warfare, he let everyone have a word in