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Simply make wise moves and avoid getting in check mate until you reach the eighth square; when you finally do, you become a king or queen and are able to move in extended amount of squares instead of the limitations of squares the others get such as the Pawn or Rook.

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Q: How do you get to the eighth square in chess?
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What is one eighth of a 10 by 10 square?

One eighth of a 10 by 10 square is 12.5 ft2

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Because it just have 64 square'

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square shape

How many square are there in chess?

64 sqares

Whose statue watches chess in the square?

There are several squares in several places that have statues that overlook people playing chess, but it might be Pushkin Square, in Moscow, where some Chess tournaments have been held. The Statue is of Alexander Pushkin.

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Name the objects in the shape of a square.?

chess board.

What is the size of a box on a chess board if the chess board is 1 foot by 1 foot?

Each square is 1.5 in by 1.5 in

What do you call a 64 square chess board?

An intact chessboard .

What does controlling squares mean in chess?

Controlling a square means you own it . A "Controlled square" means you can safely occupy a square with a chess-piece or a pawn . A "Mutually controlled square" means that neither side can safely occupy a square and both sides exercise some influence over it .

How many acres in one eighth square mile?

There are 80 acres in one eighth square mile.