To get good in chess most people say you have to have a good brain and be a little smart, but I think that you have to have good opponents to play with so that you can learn new strategies from them and then one day beat them by finally finding their weaknesses. Also, I'd say a lot of hard practice could get you good in chess.
A good chess website is ChessKid
Be VERY good at chess.
No, Bobby Fischer did not invent chess. He was a grandmaster, a very good chess player, but did not invent chess.
Yes & you should study strategies & get a chess computer.
They are not good tennis players. They are both rivals in Snakes and Ladders. Chess anyone?? Anyone for chess?
Dress Stress Mess Caress Guess dress and press rhyme with chess... im a good rhymer...
Practice and determination
They learn from others!
Algebra is easy if you have a logical mind. You will be good at it if you are good at puzzles or chess.