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Well You didn't say whats the problem on jamming

Its easy just slide back the reload then open the jam door found at the flashlight side's back.. and take the clip off.. then open jam door and take off the dart

And its not a gun its a Blaster

please stop sayin NERF GUN

Gun is the thing that ammunitions are bullets

Blasters are darts

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14y ago
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12y ago

open the jam door, and pull the dart out, if the dart is stuck in the jam door, grab a pair of tweezers and pull it out. if that doesnt work, take out the clipg and take the dart out. lastly, if all of these do not work, take out all the screws and remove the dart, then put the screws back in.

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12y ago

Put it in blaster mode,prime it,and on the right side of the gun should be a jam door PS you have to prime it to open the jam door

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14y ago

open the access slot

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Q: How do you fix a jammed Nerf deploy cs 6?
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How do you fix a Nerf Deploy CS-6?

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When does the Nerf deploy cs-6 come out?

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What is the name of the Nerf gun that switches from a case to a gun?

It is called the Nerf Deploy CS-6.

What is the Nerf Deploy CS-6?

a Nerf gun cleverly diguised as a friendly yellow chunk of plastic

When is the Nerf deploy cs-6 coming out?

2010 sping march or april

Where can you buy nerf deploy cs 6?

walmart,target, zellers....etc

Your Nerf longshot cs-6 won't cock?

If it won't it's probably jammed.

Do Nerf whistle darts work with the Nerf N-Strike Deploy CS-6?

yes my auntie tried it on my gun

Can you put a drum magazine on nerf deploy cs-6?

yes the raider drum will work on all cs blasters

What are the 2010 Nerf guns?

The next NERF guns to come out are the NERF LongStrike CS-6 and the NERF Deploy CS-6. The LongStrike is a longer weapon than the LongShot CS-6 and has a sleeker design with space in the stock for 2 clips and four tactical rails. The Deploy will be a flashlight/shotgun NERF that can make itself small with battery power. You can find out more about the LongStrike CS-6 here: and the Deploy CS-6 here: Hope this helps!

What is the next Nerf gun after the raider?

The next NERF guns to come out are the NERF LongStrike CS-6 and the NERF Deploy CS-6. The LongStrike is a longer weapon than the LongShot CS-6 and has a sleeker design with space in the stock for 2 clips and four tactical rails. The Deploy will be a flashlight/shotgun NERF that can make itself small with battery power. You can find out more about the LongStrike CS-6 here: and the Deploy CS-6 here: Hope this helps!