Checkmate is where your opponent can neither counter or evade capture - checkmate .
a false checkmate is when someone calls "checkmate" in a chess game and if you can move without getting out then it is a false checkmate. If they call it you get to go 2 times. :) enjoy your chess game!
The game of chess uses those terms. Chess does checkmate means your in check and you cant get out and stalemate means you have no where you can move
Checkmate is a possible outcome for a game of chess.
George Koltanowski has written: 'Adventures of a chess master' -- subject(s): Chess, Schaken, Blind schaken 'With the chess masters' -- subject(s): Chess 'Checkmate!' -- subject(s): Checkmate (Chess)
There are many possibilities to get a checkmate in 10 moves, so there is not official "10 turn checkmate".
one is the fourmove checkmate.
Yes. Checkmate is the definite end of the game.
Checkmate comes from the Persian phrase "shah mat," which means "the king is dead."
Checkmate with the knight and bishop.