Chess is too complicated ever to be "solved." There is no single method by which every game can be won. The world's strongest computers routinely beat each other in computer chess tournaments, and the games do not display any single method that could lead to a solution according to Game Theory.
Yes, chess has been around since about the 11th century
Chess has been a very popular game and is becoming even more popular .
Absolutely! Chess has been around for THOUSANDS of years! It's hard to imagine that NO Victorian played a game of chess or two.
The chess fork is usually used at least once in every chess game. There is not a known number.
Yes, modern Chess has been around since the 15th Century and earlier versions of Chess go back much further.
The crime has never been solved even though there have been over fifty confessions.
Chess hasn't changed at all over the 1000's of years that it has been played
Could the colonies labor problem have been solved without slavery?
the game of chess we know was developed in the 1500's based on a similar game from India that has been around since ancient times.