Cue chalk will wash out with water, however, the dye in the chalk may have to be treated as a stain (depends upon the chalk).
It is called chalking the cue. The pool chalk is an abrasive, not chalk, and provides more frictin between the cue ball and the cue tip.
cue chalk
The snooker cues have chalk on them, and when they hit the cue ball, some chalk may be left on it. The use of chalk improves the contact between the cue and the cue ball, increasing the friction. That helps to make better shots. The cue ball should be cleaned occasionally, which is what a referee will do during a frame and between frames.
Leather is used for the cue tip, and pool chalk is used to provide more friction against the cue ball. Pool chalk is an abrasive using materials found in sandpaper. It is not a form of chalk.
it is easier to use. Chalk is an abrasive substance applied to the tip of a cue. It helps the cue tip grip the cue ball on off center hits(spin or English) avoing a miscue. Chalk should be applied to the tip before each shot.
Billiards Chalk.
it is chalk
A pad, known as a cue tip, is glued to the narrow end (tip) of the cue. A small block of cue chalk is rubbed on the pad to prevent the cue tip sliding off the billiard/snooker/pool balls.
To help prevent the stick from slipping when it hits the ball. *Added - The chalk increases friction and is very important to be applied to the cue tip for anything other that a perfect center stroke to the cue ball.
A chalk is used to ready a leather cue tip - the substance is not chalk but an abrasive of the type used in sandpaper. In addition, a cloth or leather may be used to rub the taper to be sure it is clean and smooth.