If you fail to make a proper shot on the 8 ball under most rules, it is a foul, but not a loss of game. Under many house rules in the US, missing hte 8 when it is your object ball is loss of game.
That is lose of game.
A ball in the hand is worth two in the bush.
No. It is a foul; a foul on a pocketed black means that you actually lose the game.
If you struck the 8 ball first as a legal shot, and the cue ball or eight ball pockets the opponents ball, this is not loss of game under league play and typical local rules, regardless of whether the 8 ball goes in or not. However, under some local rules, if you failed to call this as a part of your shot, it is may not be allowed, resulting in either spotting the 8 ball or loss of game.
Not exactly. In 8-ball, anyone can hit the 8-ball into a pocket AFTER all of their balls are off of the table. For example, if you are stripes you cannot hit the 8-ball into a pocket while there are striped balls on the table. If you do, you lose. Some people play the game of 8-ball with the 8-ball being neutral, meaning you can hit the 8-ball first when making combination shots.
Look up the world standardized rules. According to such the incoming (next player) has the option of a re-rack or a spotting the eight ball. of course there are many regional variants and considering the stakes is important when challenging house rules.
Yes, if you hit the cue ball into the target ball and the target ball knocks the 8 ball into a pocket you lose.
No, the 8 ball must be potted on it's own, potting it with another ball is a foul. ADD: Technically correct, but not complete...potting it with another ball is a foul, but as the rules state, pocketing the 8 ball on a foul is loss of game.
I believe so but I am not the best pool player...
If the black 8 ball is the object ball and a foul occurs during the shot, the game is over. This foul is loss of game.